UNCAGED is Homeland meets Ozark — with an underpinning of Training Day.
The current state of law enforcement in America, particularly stories from behind departmental doors, are rife with stories of negligence, cowardice, and corruption. Often we hear stories of cops making a difference, of individuals going above and beyond, but those instances are often eclipsed by anecdotes and evidence of wrongdoing and abuses of power.
UNCAGED is a series about characters trying to carve and blast their own paths through the morally-treacherous and twitch-paced world of crime and power in New Orleans:
An aspiring detective teaming with her vigilante mentor.
A battle-hardened sergeant becoming disillusioned with the brotherhood.
An internal affairs detective with a dark secret.
Two rival cartel brothers vying for control of a new territory.
UNCAGED is a story that features diverse characters wrestling with the almost horror-story situations that occur daily for people on the edge of the law. As a production, we aim to platform new voices without getting lost in cultural politics; we want to maintain a laser focus on our characters’ humanity, tense situations, and mortal stakes.
UNCAGED will keep you on the edge of your seat… and it will make you question authority.

© 2024 Poor Yorick Pictures / Sthenic Studios